Category: College Planning

How High Income Earners Can Save on the Cost of College

Paying for college can easily be one of the biggest expenses that parents will incur during their lifetimes

The #1 Mistake Parents Make in the College Search

Searching for the right college for your children is a very overwhelming task. There are many things to consider and address when looking for the ...

It Pays to Know the FAFSA

The time has come for college bound families to fill out the FAFSA again. Students planning to start college for the 2018-2019 school year can ...

Options for College Savings Accounts

One thought that many young parents ponder on is how to pay for their kids' college education. A four year price tag for college can ...

Avoid Parent Plus Loans

Most families I work with want to help their kids pay for college, and with annual price tags that can reach over $70,000; most students ...

When Colleges Compete You Win!

Flexibility is HUGE for families that want to save money on the cost of college. Casting a broad net in your college search can pay ...

Two Ways to Save on the Cost of College

Today’s rising college costs are leaving families wondering how they are going to pay for four years of college. Most families I work with want ...