We work with people is two basic ways:

  • project work
  • ongoing planning and investment management

While ongoing planning and investment management is our focus, we also do one time project work as time allows.

Fees for project work range from $300 for an hour consultation, to $1200-$2500 for detailed plans. It is possible to have a scenario that would fall outside of that range, but not normal.

Flat fees for ongoing planning and investment management typically range from $5000-$9000 a year. All new clients will pay a flat annual fee versus the traditional Assets Under Management (AUM) fee.

Why flat fees? We find a flat fee to be the fairest way of working with clients. A flat fee removes many conflicts of interest such as an advisor telling you to take money out of TSP so that advisor can get paid. Paying your advisor a flat fee helps to make sure the advice you are given is in your best interest. We also don’t believe that an advisor does twice the work for a household that has $2 million in assets versus the household that has $1 million in assets, therefore we don’t charge twice the fee.