Category: Financial Planning

Buying a House as a FERS Retiree

It’s not uncommon for a federal employee to retire and buy a house later. I have consulted on this topic three times in just the ...

Considerations When Purchasing a Home

Home purchases are arguably the biggest purchase we will make in our lifetime. It is very common for a young physician coming out of residency ...

Numbers to Know for 2023

Retirement savings and taxes are two things that we must navigate when saving for retirement. These two topics are forever changing and something we need ...

I Wish I Had…. 5 Regrets of Federal Employees

Have you ever wondered what retirees have to say about their finances after they have retired? Well, after my almost 2 decades experience of working ...

I Don’t Like the 4% Rule

Generally speaking, the 4% rule is a guideline that allows for retirees to withdraw 4% of the balance of their investments annually in order to ...

NO, Federal Retirees Should Not Run Out of Money

Why? Federal employees have a large amount of guaranteed income they can count on as a steady stream of cash flow in retirement. Although it ...

Lessons From 2020

The year 2020 was a wild one by anyone’s measure. One practice I try to implement is to look back at a year and see ...

Three Things to do With Cash During Quarantine

The nation’s current state is one most of us have never experienced. The majority of the nation has been shut down in response to a ...

Should a Federal Employee Pay Off Their House?

The question of paying off your house or not is one that seems to be a constant debate among people approaching retirement. In fact, it’s ...

Is Dave Ramsey Right?

Dave Ramsey is a household name when it comes to teaching finance. He gives a lot of advice on various financial topics, but should we ...