Tag: distributions

TSP Distributions and Tax Planning for Federal Retirees

TSP distributions can be daunting for a federal retiree. Withdrawing funds from TSP vs a Roth IRA vs a taxable account will all have different ...

TSP Challenges

The Thrift Savings Plan is an important tool in retirement planning and one that most federal employees rely on to an extent, but several issues ...

Why Tax planning is SO Important in Retirement

If you want to keep more of what you make, then tax planning is essential to your retirement plan. Not only does it help you ...

I Don’t Like the 4% Rule

Generally speaking, the 4% rule is a guideline that allows for retirees to withdraw 4% of the balance of their investments annually in order to ...

NO, Federal Retirees Should Not Run Out of Money

Why? Federal employees have a large amount of guaranteed income they can count on as a steady stream of cash flow in retirement. Although it ...

TSP in Retirement

What do I do with my TSP in retirement? Yes, this is the most common question I receive from people nearing retirement, and justifiably so.

Don’t Wait Until 72 to Access TSP

The TSP is designed to make up one third of federal employee’s retirement income, but taking money out of it can be a tough decision. ...

A Taxable Account Makes Sense

Ask a high income earner what their biggest financial concern is and they’ll likely say that taxes are one of their biggest financial concerns. Accounts ...

Should You Withdraw 4% From Your TSP?

One huge decision new retirees have to make is how much they will withdraw from their investments. While there is no perfect answer, most advisors ...