
I Wish I Had…. 5 Regrets of Federal Employees

Have you ever wondered what retirees have to say about their finances after they have

Roth TSP, Roth IRAs and the Five Year Rule

It’s no secret that I am a big fan of Roth accounts and the income

Reduce Your Retirement Tax Bill by Strategic Giving

In Part one of this series we discussed the fact that retirement income is different

Why Tax planning is SO Important in Retirement

If you want to keep more of what you make, then tax planning is essential

I Don’t Like the 4% Rule

Generally speaking, the 4% rule is a guideline that allows for retirees to withdraw 4%

Odd Aspects of TSP

The Thrift Savings Plan is widely known as one of the best retirement plans available.

Taxes and Timing Matter

It’s hard to understate the importance of timing and details when it comes to retirement


Inflation is a hot topic this summer which has many federal employees wondering how it

NO, Federal Retirees Should Not Run Out of Money

Why? Federal employees have a large amount of guaranteed income they can count on as

FEGLI Now and in Retirement

Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) is a great benefit the federal employees have available

TSP in Retirement

What do I do with my TSP in retirement? Yes, this is the most common

A Great Reason Not to Take Medicare Part B

One of the most common retirement questions from federal employees is: Should I get Medicare