
Benefits Decisions at FERS Retirement

The final step toward retirement in the workplace is filling out retirement paperwork. That paperwork

The Best Time to Collect Social Security

Collecting Social Security at the right time can have a big impact on retirement. Many

Year End Review – 10 Ways to Save on Taxes and Expenses

The end of the year is a great time to do a review of your

Should a Federal Employee Pay Off Their House?

The question of paying off your house or not is one that seems to be

Should a Federal Employee Pay Off Their House?

I have written before about Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and how wonderful they are, but

It’s Time For a TSP Conversion

Everyone loves tax free money, but sometimes it’s hard to pay more today for a

What Happens to TSP When You Turn 70?

Most people are aware that they will be required to take money out of their

4 Things to Know About Your FERS Annuity

The FERS annuity is the foundation of the federal employee retirement plan. While some federal

Save Tax $$ By Bunching Deductions

If you knew how to potentially save a couple thousand dollars a year, would you

Is Dave Ramsey Right?

Dave Ramsey is a household name when it comes to teaching finance. He gives a

How High Income Earners Can Save on the Cost of College

Paying for college can easily be one of the biggest expenses that parents will incur

The Biggest Retirement Fear

Many studies about retirement fears show that retirees’ biggest fear is running out of money.