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Death Benefits for a FERS Employee

Death Benefits for a FERS Employee

We talk a lot about survivor benefits in retirement, Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), and life insurance for federal employees, but what are the exact benefits a widow or
Make This a Priority for a Successful Retirement

Make This a Priority for a Successful Retirement

To be truthful, there are hundreds of things you can do to prepare for retirement, but there is one thing often ignored by most federal employees that can have a huge impact on your retirement
Law Enforcement Officer Retirement, The Rule of 55, TSP, and Roth TSP

Law Enforcement Officer Retirement, The Rule of 55, TSP, and Roth TSP

The rule of 55 is a little different for 1811s and also different for Roth TSP versus Traditional TSP.
Year End Tax Planning Ideas

Year End Tax Planning Ideas

The end of the year is quickly approaching, which can only mean one thing for us finance nerds – year-end tax planning! The end of the year is a great time to evaluate a multitude of things that can help save you tax dollars today and in the future, so ...
The FERS Survivor Annuity is Expensive

The FERS Survivor Annuity is Expensive

his view of the survivor annuity being too expensive and not worth taking. But is it really expensive
How to Avoid Getting Crushed by Taxes in Retirement

How to Avoid Getting Crushed by Taxes in Retirement

The answer is relatively simple – show very little income on your tax returns. The key is understanding how different types of investments are
TSP Distributions and Tax Planning for Federal Retirees

TSP Distributions and Tax Planning for Federal Retirees

TSP distributions can be daunting for a federal retiree. Withdrawing funds from TSP vs a Roth IRA vs a taxable account will all have different income taxes. Social Security is taxed differently as well.
Four Things Federal Retirees Can't do With TSP

Four Things Federal Retirees Can’t Do With TSP

The Thrift Savings Plan is a great benefit that all federal employees should be using to accumulate funds for retirement, but it doesn’t work quite as smoothly once you are in retirement. Here are four things you can’t do with TSP that could otherwise benefit you in retirement. #1 You ...
Buying a House as a FERS Retiree

Buying a House as a FERS Retiree

It’s not uncommon for a federal employee to retire and buy a house later. I have consulted on this topic three times in just the past few weeks. The biggest question retirees have is if they should take the funds
Considerations When Purchasing a Home

Considerations When Purchasing a Home

Home purchases are arguably the biggest purchase we will make in our lifetime. It is very common for a young physician coming out of residency to be facing this decision head on
Tax Bracket Misconceptions

Tax Bracket Misconceptions

Federal income taxes can be terribly misunderstood. Sometimes I believe that whoever writes tax law wants us to misunderstand it
Rule of 55, 50 for LEO and Early Access to TSP

Rule of 55, 50 for LEO and Early Access to TSP

The rule of 55 is a great feature of your Thrift Savings Plan that helps early retirees. This IRS rule means that those who leave
How to Get a Tax Free Retirement

How to Get a Tax Free Retirement

This is a headline that I see often on retirement articles, but is it possible? Yes, it is possible, but the more realistic headline would be: “How to Retire and Maintain a Low Income Tax Bracket.”
Don't Get Taken at a Federal Retirement Seminar

Don’t Get Taken at a Federal Retirement Seminar

Have you ever been to a retirement seminar put on by your agency or employee union or group? Did it include a “financial advisor” who spoke for a short period of time?
TSP is Getting More Expensive

TSP is Getting More Expensive

The Thrift Savings Plan has gotten more expensive in 2023. Problem after problem headlined the TSP news in the previous year of 2022 and they have started 2023 with more of the same.
Warning: Adjust Tax Withholding in Your First Year of FERS Retirement

Warning: Adjust Tax Withholding in Your First Year of FERS Retirement

Two things in life are certain – death and taxes – one we have very little control over and the other some control over, possibly even more in retirement.
Numbers to Know for 2023

Numbers to Know for 2023

Retirement savings and taxes are two things that we must navigate when saving for retirement. These two topics are forever changing and something we need to keep up with.
How Much Should I Have in Roth Accounts?

How Much Should I Have in Roth Accounts?

One question I have been asked a lot lately is, “how much should I have in Roth IRAs?” Or a more specific question, “What is the ideal mix between tax-deferred, tax free and taxable assets?”
TSP Declines, Context, and Actions

TSP Declines, Context, and Actions

This year the stock market has gone down a little over 25% which can make anyone feel a little uncomfortable. But what do future returns look like after the market has fallen 25%? Knowing this should give investors some context and an idea of future expectations.
The Federal Retiree Who Did Nothing

The Federal Retiree Who Did Nothing

I want to share a somewhat common scenario I recently saw in hopes that it will help new and future federal retirees. My biggest reason for sharing is that I see this scenario a lot and I hope it resonates with some of my readers.
Is the TSP Cheap?

Is the TSP Cheap?

“The Thrift Savings Plan is cheap” may be the most common statement I hear to describe TSP, typically from people nearing retirement who are considering options outside of TSP. But is the TSP really “cheap”?
TSP Challenges

TSP Challenges

The Thrift Savings Plan is an important tool in retirement planning and one that most federal employees rely on to an extent, but several issues have surfaced recently that you should be aware of.

Inheriting a Spousal TSP

There is a lot of confusion regarding inherited IRAs, especially as they pertain to spousal inherited IRAs and TSP. What happens when a federal employee or retiree dies