Category: Insurance

Guide to Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) in Retirement

Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) is one of the many benefits granted to federal employees. But what many employees fail to realize is

FEGLI Now and in Retirement

Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) is a great benefit the federal employees have available to them however, it can also be one of the ...

A Great Reason Not to Take Medicare Part B

One of the most common retirement questions from federal employees is: Should I get Medicare Part B? While there is no “one size fits all” ...

Should I Buy Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance?

This is a question that the majority of people over the age of 60 consider, especially as they get close to retirement. Statistics show that ...

The Problem With Having No Life Insurance

Life insurance tends to be a touchy subject. Some people don’t want to discuss death and others just “don’t believe in insurance.”

Save Money on Life Insurance by Layering

Most adults with families have a need for life insurance, and the product of choice is usually a term policy. The most common time periods