Category: Thrift Savings Plan

Law Enforcement Officer Retirement, The Rule of 55, TSP, and Roth TSP

The rule of 55 is a little different for 1811s and also different for Roth TSP versus Traditional TSP.

TSP Distributions and Tax Planning for Federal Retirees

TSP distributions can be daunting for a federal retiree. Withdrawing funds from TSP vs a Roth IRA vs a taxable account will all have different ...

Four Things Federal Retirees Can’t do With TSP

The Thrift Savings Plan is a great benefit that all federal employees should be using to accumulate funds for retirement, but it doesn’t work quite ...

Rule of 55, 50 for LEO and Early Access to TSP

The rule of 55 is a great feature of your Thrift Savings Plan that helps early retirees. This IRS rule means that those who leave

Don’t Get Taken at a Federal Retirement Seminar

Have you ever been to a retirement seminar put on by your agency or employee union or group? Did it include a “financial advisor” who ...

TSP is Getting More Expensive

The Thrift Savings Plan has gotten more expensive in 2023. Problem after problem headlined the TSP news in the previous year of 2022 and they ...

TSP Declines, Context, and Actions

This year the stock market has gone down a little over 25% which can make anyone feel a little uncomfortable. But what do future returns ...

Is the TSP Cheap?

“The Thrift Savings Plan is cheap” may be the most common statement I hear to describe TSP, typically from people nearing retirement who are considering ...

TSP Challenges

The Thrift Savings Plan is an important tool in retirement planning and one that most federal employees rely on to an extent, but several issues ...

Inheriting a Spousal TSP

There is a lot of confusion regarding inherited IRAs, especially as they pertain to spousal inherited IRAs and TSP. What happens when a federal employee ...