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Choosing the Correct Survivor Annuity

Choosing the Correct Survivor Annuity

Retirement and life insurance aren’t commonly thought of together, yet that is exactly what the survivor annuity is. The FERS survivor annuity (SA) is an option
Let's Be Real About What Advisors Actually Do

Let’s Be Real About What Advisors Actually Do

I receive emails weekly asking what I do and how I get paid for writing these blog posts. Others contact me under the belief that I am a federal employee who
How Retirement Income is Different Than Your Paycheck

How Retirement Income is Different Than Your Paycheck

Money is just money, right? Well, not exactly when it comes to retirement income. It’s not as straightforward as you would think. There are a number of things different about retirement income
A Taxable Account Makes Sense

A Taxable Account Makes Sense

Ask a high income earner what their biggest financial concern is and they’ll likely say that taxes are one of their biggest financial concerns. Accounts like a Traditional IRA, 401k, 403b, deferred comp and
The #1 Mistake Parents Make in the College Search

The #1 Mistake Parents Make in the College Search

Searching for the right college for your children is a very overwhelming task. There are many things to consider and address when looking for the right college for your kids
The Impact of New Tax Law Changes

The Impact of New Tax Law Changes

I have had a number of questions recently from federal employees and middle-class families wondering how they will be affected by the new tax law
Should You Invest in Roth TSP

Should You Invest in Roth TSP

The Roth Thrift Savings Plan was introduced in 2012 for federal employees. Many federal employees have considered whether or not they should invest in Roth TSP and what the advantages are, yet I have seen very few
Should You Take a TSP Annuity

Should You Take a TSP Annuity

A common question for federal employees to ask me is, "so what's this annuity option in my Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)?" There is a lot of misunderstanding around
Big Changes to TSP

Big Changes to TSP

One of the worst parts of the Thrift Savings Plan in retirement has changed for the better. A new law recently went into effect that will
A Good Advisor Will Tell You "No"

A Good Advisor Will Tell You “No”

The customer is always right has to be one of the most dangerous catch phrases in business. Nobody wants to argue, but an advisor that always says yes to clients is doing them a disservice
Retirement Isn't All About Income

Retirement Isn’t All About Income

Most people I talk to about retirement are primarily concerned with retirement income, and justifiably so, since many want to retire in the near future. I believe that we get too focused on the
The Stealth IRA

The Stealth IRA

Are you taking advantage of all your tax-sheltered accounts? Most people contribute to their 403b or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), and may even consider a Roth IRA if they are eligible
Have Fun With Your Savings and Spending

Have Fun With Your Savings and Spending

I’m not talking about spending wildly, in fact, quite the opposite. I am one of those weird people that gets enjoyment out of getting a good deal.
It Pays to Know the FAFSA

It Pays to Know the FAFSA

The time has come for college bound families to fill out the FAFSA again. Students planning to start college for the 2018-2019 school year can fill the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Should You Withdraw 4% From Your TSP?

Should You Withdraw 4% From Your TSP?

One huge decision new retirees have to make is how much they will withdraw from their investments. While there is no perfect answer, most advisors would recommend you
The Good and Bad of Lifecycle Funds

The Good and Bad of Lifecycle Funds

Lifecycle funds were introduced to federal employees in 2005. They use a mix of the five funds available in the Thrift Savings Plan designed around a target date.
Credit Card Debt and a Good TSP Loan

Credit Card Debt and a Good TSP Loan

I wrote a previous article that discussed reasons not to take a Thrift Savings Plan (or 401k) loan. Even though I am generally against taking a loan from your retirement plan
Options for College Savings Accounts

Options for College Savings Accounts

One thought that many young parents ponder on is how to pay for their kids' college education. A four year price tag for college can easily
Stop Cleaning Your Car

Stop Cleaning Your Car

Fast forward many years later, and I still have a tendency to do things myself. The main reason I clean my own cars, wax my cars, clean the house, and do the yard work is because I’m tight (or frugal, to put it politely). I don’t like the idea of ...
Five Common Mistakes Retirees Make

Five Common Mistakes Retirees Make

Retirement is a goal that most of us aspire to. Even though retirement is often thought of as an ending, it is more of a beginning event. Yes, you may be done working
Avoid Parent Plus Loans

Avoid Parent Plus Loans

Most families I work with want to help their kids pay for college, and with annual price tags that can reach over $70,000; most students have
Four Reasons Not to Take a TSP Loan

Four Reasons Not to Take a TSP Loan

Taking a loan against your TSP has become a common practice with federal employees. Even federal employees with high incomes have taken money out of their TSP because
How to Make an Extra 90k

How to Make an Extra 90k

Retirement and financial planning are all about being as efficient as possible with our money. There are many aspects involved such as taxes, investment returns, budgeting, and so on
Lifestyle Creep

Lifestyle Creep

One of the biggest obstacles to accumulating wealth is what I call ‘Lifestyle Creep’. Lifestyle creep is your spending increasing along with your income and it can delay retirement