Tag: debt

Buying a House as a FERS Retiree

It’s not uncommon for a federal employee to retire and buy a house later. I have consulted on this topic three times in just the ...

Considerations When Purchasing a Home

Home purchases are arguably the biggest purchase we will make in our lifetime. It is very common for a young physician coming out of residency ...

Should a Federal Employee Pay Off Their House?

The question of paying off your house or not is one that seems to be a constant debate among people approaching retirement. In fact, it’s ...

Is Dave Ramsey Right?

Dave Ramsey is a household name when it comes to teaching finance. He gives a lot of advice on various financial topics, but should we ...

Have Fun With Your Savings and Spending

I’m not talking about spending wildly, in fact, quite the opposite. I am one of those weird people that gets enjoyment out of getting a ...

Credit Card Debt and a Good TSP Loan

I wrote a previous article that discussed reasons not to take a Thrift Savings Plan (or 401k) loan. Even though I am generally against taking ...

Why You Should Consider Paying Cash For Your Vehicles

The majority of people I know don’t even consider paying cash for a vehicle, they only consider how much their monthly payment will be. In ...