Tag: retirement planning

TSP in Retirement

What do I do with my TSP in retirement? Yes, this is the most common question I receive from people nearing retirement, and justifiably so.

The Problem With Having No Life Insurance

Life insurance tends to be a touchy subject. Some people don’t want to discuss death and others just “don’t believe in insurance.”

Retiring This Year? Here is a PreRetirement Checklist

Retiring can be one of the biggest decisions a person makes in their lifetime and should not be taken lightly. Preparation can be a key ...

The Secure Act Means Big Changes to Retirement

On December 20, 2019, the US Senate passed a $1.4 trillion dollar spending deal that included the passing of retirement legislation known as the SECURE ...

The Biggest Retirement Fear

Many studies about retirement fears show that retirees’ biggest fear is running out of money. Running out of money as a valid fear for retirees, ...

Retirement Isn’t All About Income

Most people I talk to about retirement are primarily concerned with retirement income, and justifiably so, since many want to retire in the near future. ...

Five Common Mistakes Retirees Make

Retirement is a goal that most of us aspire to. Even though retirement is often thought of as an ending, it is more of a ...