
Move to the G Fund

What should a federal employee do with their Thrift Savings Plan when the market is

Retiring This Year? Here is a PreRetirement Checklist

Retiring can be one of the biggest decisions a person makes in their lifetime and

What Do It Yourselfers Get Wrong

A large percentage of people choose to do their own investing and financial planning. Like

All TSP Funds Can be Bad

The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a great tool for federal employees to save for

The Secure Act Means Big Changes to Retirement

On December 20, 2019, the US Senate passed a $1.4 trillion dollar spending deal that

Going it Alone

Today’s world is full of do-it-yourselfers, and rightfully so due to our access to information.

TSP Modernization Act is Here, What Now?

On September 15, the TSP Modernization Act should be in place giving federal employees more

Retire Now or Work Longer?

Federal employees considering retirement are constantly debating whether or not they should work for another

Different Advisors and Their Compensation

Seeking financial advice can be a daunting task for federal employees. There are many types

Evaluating a LEO or ATC Contract Position

Many federal employees are in the fortunate position of having the option of moving to

My Pet Peeves in the Financial Industry

The financial advice industry has gotten plenty of bad press in the past and rightfully

Survivor Annuity Versus Life Insurance

A common practice of married federal employees is to take a survivor annuity when they